What is Nostr?
Kolomona / Sir Libre
2023-10-07 00:06:03
in reply to nevent1q…x8ll

Kolomona on Nostr: ...

If you host on Wavlake, know what you're getting yourself into.

From what I see they appear to be trying to create a walled wallet ecosystem for themselves that makes no sense in the open world of Lightning and Bitcoin.

If you are considering Wavlake ask yourself these questions before making a decision.

1) Do you have write access to your RSS feed? Can you make changes to the feed directly or via provided tools?

2) Can you add an unlimited number of splits to any other artists or stakeholders, regardless of the type of lightning wallet they use?

3) Is your value delivered to a wallet you fully control in real-time, or do you need to request permission to access the value?

This is the freedom that you give up needlessly when choosing Wavlake. There are other, more sovereign options.

Wavlake is easy, but often times freedom takes just an extra step.


#grownostr #wavlake #music #musicstr #stemstr #v4v #value4value #liberty #freedom #sovereignty
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