What is Nostr?
2024-04-26 12:36:36

Skipper on Nostr: First, they take half your hard-earned money through income tax. Then they squeeze ...

First, they take half your hard-earned money through income tax. Then they squeeze even more out of you with more retarded taxes on everything you buy or use.

Still not enough, they will print trillions of fiat money anyways, causing inflation, making you even poorer.

You are then forced to become an investor (also known as a gambler), but guess what, they slap insane capital gains tax on that shit aswell.

No matter how much they take from you, it's never enough. You're stuck in a never-ending cycle of being broke, a tax slave of the government, with no easy way out without risking jail time.

Their plan? Keep you poor and reliant on them — to control you.

Democracy can't fix this (obviously).

#bitcoin can't fix this (they will come for us aswell).

What can fix this is a civil war. A war between those who value independence, freedoms, and just want to be left the fuck alone, and those who seek to strip everything away from you—socialists and communists.
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