What is Nostr?
2023-04-08 10:22:11

Anipy on Nostr: Hello everyone! I wanted to share a new tutorial I recently wrote on building a ...

Hello everyone! I wanted to share a new tutorial I recently wrote on building a simple feed in Nostr using Flutter. In this three-part series, I'll be walking you through the process step-by-step.

In part one, I'll guide you through cloning the starter project, setting up project files, installing Nostr Tools, and creating the Nostr feed screen. Then, we'll dive into connecting to the Nostr relay stream and listening for incoming events.

This tutorial is perfect for those with some knowledge of Flutter and a basic understanding of the Nostr Protocol. So if that sounds like you, be sure to check it out! You can read the full tutorial here: https://makers.bolt.fun/story/nostr-tools-flutter-tutorial-building-a-simple-feed-for-noost-app-part-1--766. I hope you find it helpful and informative!

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