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2024-04-01 15:11:05

kepford on Nostr: Craig Raw (Sparrow Wallet) Shares Concerns About Bitcoin Prioritizing Scaling ...

Craig Raw (Sparrow Wallet) Shares Concerns About Bitcoin Prioritizing Scaling

> @craigraw
gives a sober warning to consider - if we hyperfocus on scaling, do we risk losing the ‘Crown Jewels’ features of Bitcoin? Decentralization, privacy, no permissions, no trusted third parties… will we give these up to scale?

> “We have this overwhelming demand in the bitcoin community that we must scale. But I’m not sure that that is the overwhelming need. […]”

> “We have given up a lot of things in order for Bitcoin to scale, and I’m just going to throw it out there that I don’t necessarily think that scaling is the best all and end all of everything that we should be thinking about. […]”

> “I’m not saying that I have all the answers. I just know that if you start to drop your ideals, and start to lose those things that make Bitcoin unique, you might be giving away the Crown Jewels.”

What stuck out to me about Craig's comments is the erosion in terms. Goes back to some things I've heard @Car sound alarms about.
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