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jack mallers /
2024-04-09 16:31:45

jack mallers on Nostr: hey nostr, we're gearing up to launch Strike Europe, looking to do a little more ...

hey nostr,

we're gearing up to launch Strike Europe, looking to do a little more testing.

anyone willing to help us test in the following countries?

- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Finland
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia

if you're in other countries and want to help with final testing, you can also ping me, but these markets have gotten the least testing so far. just wanna get some more eyes and hands on them

gonna keep this nostr only too, so just DM me here. appreciate yall
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