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fichte42 / Fichte42
2023-10-28 11:37:31

fichte42 on Nostr: Marcus Aurelius, as a Stoic philosopher, emphasized virtues like wisdom, courage, ...

Marcus Aurelius, as a Stoic philosopher, emphasized virtues like wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance, as well as the impermanence of things and the importance of accepting what we cannot control.

While he lived long before the invention of Bitcoin or any modern technology, we can imagine how his Stoic teachings might be applied to it.

Here are 10 hypothetical quotes that Marcus Aurelius might have said about Bitcoin, based on his philosophy 👇

1. The essence of #Bitcoin, like all things, is change. Embrace it, but remain detached from its fleeting nature.

2. Wealth in digits or in gold, the wise man knows the true value lies not in possession, but in virtue.

3. In the face of volatility, maintain your equanimity. For the market's swings, like life's trials, test our resolve.

4. #Bitcoin, like the Roman denarius, is but a tool. It is our actions and intentions in using it that define its worth.

5. Seek not to predict the future of #Bitcoin, for the future is not within our control. Instead, focus on what lies within your power: your judgments, your intentions, your desires.

6. Do not be swayed by the crowd's fervor. In matters of investment, as in life, let reason be your guide.

7. If #Bitcoin brings you wealth, remember that fortune is fickle. Use your newfound prosperity with wisdom and for the common good.

8. In the vastness of the cosmos, #Bitcoin is but a speck. Yet, it is a testament to mankind's ability to innovate and adapt.

9. The blockchain, like the Logos, operates on logic and order. Find beauty not just in its potential for wealth, but in its intricate design.

10. When faced with the uncertainty of #Bitcoin's rise or fall, reflect upon the impermanence of all things and find peace in the present moment.

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