What is Nostr?
2024-04-17 16:16:44
in reply to nevent1q…3mr6

kepford on Nostr: Let me clarify what I mean. I don't need permission to speak. I can do it all day. ...

Let me clarify what I mean. I don't need permission to speak. I can do it all day. Doesn't require any permission. But the state could come and censor my speech by force.

The reverse example would be bitcoin. Its permissionless but very hard to censor by design. I could copy bitcoin code and run a miner and some nodes. It would be permissionless too but it wouldn't be censorship resistant unless it was to big to censor.

Speech is permissionless but alone I'm not as strong as I am in a group of like minded people. The network adds strength. Weapons also add to the censorship resistance.
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