What is Nostr?
2024-04-27 19:36:12

Cyph3rp9nk on Nostr: Centralized coinjoin servers https://telegra.ph/file/8e7b18100a5180f7d771b.mp4 ...

Centralized coinjoin servers

I'm freaking out a bit at the complacency of some Bitcoiners.

Let's be clear, a coinjoin coordinator facilitates actions that governments consider illegal, true or false? this is yes or no, don't give me transmission stories and bullshit.

And if the system considers Bitcoin money, money has to be traceable (except for the masters of the system), this is so with Fiat money and it has to be so with Bitcoin if the system considers it money.

I do not say that this is fair or not, I just apply the logic of the system, the rest of the theories of the frying pan, the network cable and other nonsense are just excuses for complacency.

The state is not your friend, you will not be able to reason with it, the state is your main enemy.

It was more than obvious that they were going to screw the centralized coordinators. Let's play with what has worked so far, decentralized solutions made by anonymous people, that's all.
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