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2023-01-25 06:07:20

Anipy on Nostr: Looking for Full-Time Mobile Developer Job (Flutter Framework) Hello! I'm Aniket ...

Looking for Full-Time Mobile Developer Job (Flutter Framework)

Hello! I'm Aniket Ambore (aka Anipy), a college graduate with a bachelor's degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. I have 3 years of experience developing mobile applications with the Flutter framework. I have implemented several projects on GitHub, mostly in Flutter and Dart. I have also developed pure Dart packages (flutter_webln) and solved LeetCode questions using Dart.

I have won several hackathons, such as Smart India Hackathon 2022, where I was a team lead of six members and we solved a problem statement given by the Government of India. I was also the runner up of Shock the Web Bitcoin Lightning Network Hackathon Season 2, and achieved an Elite+Silver badge in the Software Engineering Exam of IITKGP in 2020.

My journey with Bitcoin began when I started learning blockchain technology and realized that Ethereum projects are not as decentralized as they appear to be. After further research, I started learning more about Bitcoin and its underlying technology. I read the Bitcoin whitepaper multiple times and also read the book Programming Bitcoin by Jimmy Song. I further deepened my understanding of Bitcoin by learning about the Lightning Network, and even went on to create my own project, Bits and Sats, a tic-tac-toe game based on sats winning methodology.

I am currently looking for a full-time mobile developer role in India (specifically in Mumbai) or Remote or I am available to relocate to any other city or state or country if the company provides relocation assistance, such as staying, living, eating, transportation, etc.

If you're interested, please find my contact information below:
GitHub: https://github.com/aniketambore
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anipy1
Email: aaa.software.dev@gmail.com

I would really appreciate it if you could share this with your friends or anyone who is hiring a Mobile app developer using the Flutter Framework. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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