What is Nostr?
2023-04-28 20:17:01
in reply to nevent1q…t0mf

clr on Nostr: I would be pleased if the segwit discount was removed. About the OP_RETURN cap, I’d ...

I would be pleased if the segwit discount was removed. About the OP_RETURN cap, I’d rather keep it unless there is a justification for increasing (not removing) it. You mentioned the “expresiveness”. I definitely don’t want to censor data, but I believe that transactions should be as concise as possible rather than expressive/verbose. The bitcoin blockchain is, first and foremost, an accounting ledger, not a blank canvas to paint or write novels. I am OK with short strings of text, such as the Times’ headline in the genesis block or the miners writing their name on the blocks they mine. It’s not about the contents, but about the length/size.
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