What is Nostr?
Natalie / nat brunell
2023-12-07 17:34:57

Natalie on Nostr: I had a fascinating talk with best-selling author Michael Lewis, who wrote the Big ...

I had a fascinating talk with best-selling author Michael Lewis, who wrote the Big Short, Moneyball, Liars Poker and most recently Going Infinite, about the rise and fall of Sam Bankman-Fried.

His views are evolving on #Bitcoin and he shares why he wouldn’t bet against it. You won’t believe what’s happening post FTX trial.

Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/R0_p9ANe6IY?si=cFARD53PmuRTkuv_

Listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coin-stories/id1569130932?i=1000637822981
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