What is Nostr?
jack mallers /
2024-04-10 21:35:03
in reply to nevent1q…78sf

jack mallers on Nostr: working on maintaining and supporting the best money mankind has ever come across is ...

working on maintaining and supporting the best money mankind has ever come across is a full time job. or at least it should be. we should demand that

building a business or income to sustain you and your family is also a full time job. why don’t you do your full time job for no pay and afford your life with a side gig consultant business?

it sounds nicer than it is in reality. i could be wrong, i get my info from developers. i ask them. but that’s why i said what i said. if people disagree that’s fine, just never fund devs. i’d highly question that but im not gonna try and force you to do something you want wanna do
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