What is Nostr?
2024-04-01 19:44:47

kepford on Nostr: AT&T admits breach after denying it came from their network ...

AT&T admits breach after denying it came from their network

When will the public have enough of this? Well, one massive problem is that the public probably thinks this problem is only with the companies and their security polices. That is a big problem. Another even bigger problem is that fact that most companies are required by law to know there customer. They are required to collect mounds of data on people. This of course creates a massive honey pot for criminals. Yes, these companies are not doing all they can do to protect their customers, but best solution to data privacy breaches is to not even have the data to steal. So, the next time one of your friends complains about a data breach mention KYC laws and how the government requires all of these honey pots to be created, and then acts like they have no part in the problem.

If the governments of the world didn't require KYC many companies would still try to get you to give them valuable data about yourself. The difference is that in a free market it would be easier for companies to compete on privacy. Right now, there is a false bottom to privacy.

The other factor is that the masses still do not value privacy to the level required to promote the shift necessary in the market. It is my belief that there will continue to be breaches until people learn. Until then do what you can to protect yourself.
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