What is Nostr?
david / David W
2023-03-28 17:56:06
in reply to nevent1q…fgft

david on Nostr: This is NOT just a TikTok ban, folks. - $250k fine for using a VPN or tor service - ...

This is NOT just a TikTok ban, folks.

- $250k fine for using a VPN or tor service
- The ability to cut-off a “foreign adversary” be it a country, corporation, individual, website, network or app (OR ALL)
- No due process whatsoever
- Ramifications with up to 20 years in jail for circumventing these new laws, for merely attempting to operate or financially transact around them
- Progressive priority to those with 1m+ active customers/users in United States
- The right to seize ass

Here’s a decent write-up & I’ll be posting more:

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