What is Nostr?
david / David W
2023-11-26 18:04:04
in reply to nevent1q…sae0

david on Nostr: Going from USA to Germany is like moving states in my opinion. It would be better to ...

Going from USA to Germany is like moving states in my opinion. It would be better to stay, rather than move from one potentially chaotic place to another.

My advice to most people would be to explore Central and South America or parts of Asia, sooner rather than later.

Europe has arguably more problems than the U.S. right now. They are intentionally creating a nationalistic reaction.

Think about immigration flows, political differences inside the country, family, protests, purchasing price index and access to resources. Germany is de-industrialising, just the rest of Europe to follow.

People fleeing to the West are going in the wrong direction, just at the wrong time IMHO.
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