What is Nostr?
Derek Ross
2024-04-27 12:38:10

Derek Ross on Nostr: Muting is a super power. It allows toxic people to continue on with their vitriol. It ...

Muting is a super power. It allows toxic people to continue on with their vitriol. It also allows the recipient to gain control of their feed and social experiences, seeing only the content that they want to see. Both parties win here.

The toxic people can have their corner of doom and gloom on Nostr. The vast majority of us will be here spreading 🫂 with 💜 and lots of 🤙🏻

Zaps also help here. More positive people exist in the world than negative ones. Zaps incentivize positive behavior. You can only get Zapped by so many negative people. Kind and loving people and their Zaps far out shine the other group's contributions to the world. Zaps will reflect this too.
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