What is Nostr?
2024-04-29 17:47:35

Cyph3rp9nk on Nostr: Really cool, this way even if your private key is leaked they won't be able to ...

Really cool, this way even if your private key is leaked they won't be able to decrypt your dm.

Adding furthermore the decentralization of the process.

E2EE DMs are coming to Nostr 🔒

After being nerd sniped by hearing NVK (npub1az9…m8y8) mention OTR for the millionth time on the Bitcoin Review podcast, I spent the last few weeks digging into OTR, the Signal protocol, and a grab-bag of other cryptography.

The end result is that I (am pretty sure at least) that I found a way to do E2EE (end-to-end encrypted) DMs on Nostr in a way that is both forward and post-compromise secure AND doesn't require any centralized servers.

Demo video: https://share.cleanshot.com/nMKk6cn0

Live demo app: https://drdm-demo.vercel.app

And finally, the NIP (for those of you with bikes in need of a shed): https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/1206

Huge thanks to Max Hillebrand (npub1klk…x3vt) and PABLOF7z (npub1l2v…ajft) for the chats while I worked out the details.
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