What is Nostr?
The_Ben / The Ben
2024-02-06 19:24:59

The_Ben on Nostr: https://pt.codingarena.de You are a Perpetual Traveler and want to count your days ...


You are a Perpetual Traveler and want to count your days spent in a certain country?

With this new tool, you can do it. If you've been in a country for over 50 days, the country gets marked yellow. If over 100 days, the country turns red. ⏰

You can log in anonymously with Nostr NIP-07. 🥳

For those who don't want Nostr, a username and password will also work. 🥉

LINK: https://pt.codingarena.de

GITHUB: https://github.com/HolgerHatGarKeineNode/perpetual-traveler

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