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2023-10-09 18:54:59

Foundation on Nostr: Meet the newest member of the Foundation family, a free publication we're calling ...

Meet the newest member of the Foundation family, a free publication we're calling https://Freedom.Tech 📰

To celebrate the launch, we're giving away a Passport Bitcoin hardware wallet to one amazing person who follows us and Freedom.Tech (npub1wvv…7rpf) + likes and shares this post on X 👉

While there are many incredible individual blogs and resources out there, there is a distinct lack of a cohesive and organized source for news, editorial opinions, expert reviews, and philosophical content that supports and spreads the word on the "freedom tech" movement.

We're aiming to solve that with the release of https://Freedom.Tech today, starting with a strong set of articles and rapidly expanding to include amazing contributors from around the freedom tech space in addition to our own contributions.

All you have to do to be entered in to win a Passport is:

✅ Follow this account and Freedom.Tech (npub1wvv…7rpf)
✅ Like and retweet this post

That's it! We want to help get http://Freedom.Tech off the ground with a bang, and we'd love your help in that process. Let's get freedom tech into the hands of more people than ever before.

Welcome to Freedom.Tech, a global hub championing Bitcoin builders, open-source developers, educators, and privacy tech pioneers.

Join the freedom tech movement today and learn how we can use technology in the fight for human flourishing and freedom.

We've been working hard behind the scenes over the past few months to launch a new content hub that lets you find content on the bleeding edge of technology, learn how you can take actionable steps in the fight for freedom, and amplify your own voice by writing unique content.

What is the "Freedom Tech" Movement?

From the earliest days of the Internet, an ongoing struggle has existed between those who would use the immense potential of this new technology to control or suppress human freedom, and those who would use it to empower the individual and promote human flourishing. This struggle has taken many forms over the decades, starting with the cryptoanarchists in the 1980’s and the cypherpunks of the 1990’s, both of which shared a common goal of enabling individual freedom through the use of cutting-edge technology.

Just as us humans strive for freedom, information in the digital age “longs to be free.” The “freedom tech” movement is a burgeoning grassroots movement that aims to encourage the optimistic, untethered development and use of technologies by people from all backgrounds, languages, and cultures across the globe. Freedom tech allows us to slow a rise in authoritarianism, fight back against encroaching surveillance capitalism, and empower journalists, dissidents, and activists everywhere.

We believe that the freedom tech movement closely aligns with that of the open source movement, and we hold the ideals of free and open-source software closely. While the freedom tech movement has no central authority or leader to dictate its aims, we have laid out the aspects of technology we consider vital to the movement below. Freedom tech should be:

✅Free and open source

✅Without usage restrictions


✅Resistant to censorship

Quite simply, "freedom tech" is technology that empowers you.

Learn more

With this launch we've included a few original blog posts, and are working hard to get some of the best writers in the space involved and amplifying their content on Freedom.Tech. If you want to keep up with what we're doing, simply sign-up with email on Freedom.Tech, subscribe via RSS, and follow us here on Nostr:

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