What is Nostr?
Tatey Watey
2024-05-02 01:25:40
in reply to nevent1q…lnez

Tatey Watey on Nostr: On October 23rd, at about 10:45 pm MST, I posted asking about Strike and where a tx ...

On October 23rd, at about 10:45 pm MST, I posted asking about Strike and where a tx ID was because it didn’t show up.

On October 23rd, at about 11:00 pm MST, Jack reached out and asked for my user info and confirmed my tx was queued, explained why it looked the way it did, then said that it could be a better UI and would mention it to his team.

Then I think some guy called him a cunt but it was an Australian so it turned out to be a good thing.

Many many many people running businesses could learn a lot from Jack Mallers.
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