What is Nostr?
2024-04-25 20:55:07

kepford on Nostr: Do you need some hope? They have no idea of the strength of bitcoin & bitcoiners ...

Do you need some hope? They have no idea of the strength of bitcoin & bitcoiners

Remember what bitcoin is all about.


Freedom from those that control our money.

Freedom to interact with whoever, whenever, and where ever we
please without asking for permission from anyone.

Its worth the fight. Its worth pushing through whatever fear you may have right now to stand strong and not back down.

I'm not telling you what to do or what lines to draw but you need to think about them now.

Are you gonna die knowing you stood for something or live in fear of what might happen?


Often the state oversteps by going to far. I hope this is what they are doing now with this attack on freedoms of speech and association. We've seen it with the 3D printed / home built gun movement. We've seen it with encryption. You can't stop math. You can't stop speech. You can attack those that use it.

Here are some risks I see for the state's latest attacks on bitcoin

1. They lose in courts. Then doing this stuff will be much harder for them
2. They lose in the court of public opinion. Making this sort of action toxic
3. They lose technically. Systems and protocols adapt. Bitcoiners adapt and make it even harder to stop.

We will win. I may not live to see it. That doesn't matter to me. I will not back down. Bitcoin is the biggest enabler of human freedom and flourishing I have ever seen. The people around the world living under oppressive regimes need it. We in the west have prosperity but live in a gold platted cage. We think we are free. But we haven't really tasted freedom yet. I hope my decedents do. I plan on doing what I can to make sure they do.
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