What is Nostr?
Kolomona / Sir Libre
2023-10-21 02:59:18

Kolomona on Nostr: I know most of you reading are not interested in this type of thing but maybe you ...

I know most of you reading are not interested in this type of thing but maybe you know someone who does, Please pass it on.

I recently created a website for musicians to learn more about the new value for value decentralized sovereign music system that is being pioneered right now.

It's fully open source and hosted on Github. You can submit a pull request and have your own article published on it.

It's a work in progress and a bit rough around the edges but it has potential.



#grownostr #v4v #music #musicstr #stemstr #value4value #v4vmusic #DeMu #Musicians, #ascap, #bmi, #sesec, #sovereignmusic
Author Public Key