What is Nostr?
2024-04-24 23:06:59

kepford on Nostr: I'm pretty cynical. There are few things more frightening to me than "a jury of my ...

I'm pretty cynical. There are few things more frightening to me than "a jury of my peers". I can't imagine a group of people being able to wrap their heads around this. We are having all these debates online about fighting this and I just keep thinking about my experience serving on a jury trial.

I'm not lawyer but I think many mistakenly believe the law is like code or math. It is not. If it were that simple we wouldn't need judges or juries. This is a dark day for bitcoiners, privacy, and freedom.

Not to say I didn't expect this. I have for a long time. But it still sucks. The state is our enemy. All of ours. Not just bitcoiners. Its an evil entity that will never stop seeking more control and power until it is abolished.
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