What is Nostr?
Kieran /
2024-01-26 18:56:51

Kieran on Nostr: Snort v0.2.0 was tagged. This release contains a full nostr relay in the browser (the ...

Snort v0.2.0 was tagged.

This release contains a full nostr relay in the browser (the worker relay). It works like any other relay on nostr, and allows us to cache content efficiently.

This also means that all reactions, replies, and posts are cached in your browser and are always available, even when you are offline.

Most of the caching strategies that have been developed thus far have been scrapped and replaced by the worker relay.

Additionally, I've added Negentropy support to allow for really efficient synchronization with the worker relay, meaning that very little data is required to stay in sync.

This opens the door for a lot of really cool things.

As always there are many many many changes so if you're interested in the summarised list you can see them on https://snort.social/about
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